A cold plunge is a small tub usually the size of a bath tub, maintained between 39F degrees and 50F degrees and is typically used for sports and physical therapy by immersing the body under water. The cold water stimulates blood flow, reduces swelling and releases endorphins.

What are the benefits?

ELEVATED ENERGY - Everybody has their own method for waking up; double shots of espresso, a quick workout, and so on. If you’re looking for a quick start to your morning or an afternoon pick me up, cold plunging might just be the answer. Many people turn to cold plunging when looking for a new way to boost their daily energy!

RECOVERY / PERFORMANCE - Cold plunge benefits extend beyond the mental and chemical aspects of your body too. Sports medicine has utilized cold water therapy for years, to help the active recovery of your muscles.

IMMUNE SUPPORT - Cold water immersion has shown to substantially lower upper respiratory tract infections. Studies show it can boost antioxidant protection suggesting cold plunging helps build a more resilient immune system.

MOMENTUM - Cold plunging has shown the ability increase your baseline dopamine. Dopamine is the molecule in our brain and body that is linked to motivation. According to Dr. Andrew Huberman dopamine can enhance our depth of focus and lower our threshold for taking action towards our specific goals.

BOOSTED MOOD - Researchers have known for a while that it connects to our daily energy. In particular, there is lots of evidence that a lack of norepinephrine can contribute to depression, meaning that a cold plunge might help to reduce depression and improve overall mood! Do not take our word for it though, just ask anyone who has ever plunged!

PAIN RELIEF - Cold plunge benefits extend beyond the mental and chemical aspects of your body too. Sports medicine has utilized cold water therapy for years, to help the active recovery of your muscles.

STRESS RELIEF - Researchers have known for a while that it connects to our daily energy. In particular, there is lots of evidence that a lack of norepinephrine can contribute to depression, meaning that a cold plunge might help to reduce depression and improve overall mood!

Cold-water immersion stimulates blood flow. When you immerse your body in a cold plunge, the blood rushes to surround your vital organs. Your heart is then forced to pump more efficiently, pushing blood through all your vessels, and supplying every part of your body with the oxygen and nutrients needed. We recommend 1-3 minutes immersed per plunge and for best results 1-3 sessions per week. Are you ready to take the plunge?

Cold Plunge Pricing

15 Min Single Session $35

   $120 | 4 Treatment Cold Plunge Pack ($30 each)

   $200 | 8 Treatment Cold Plunge Pack ($25 each)

  $240 | 12 Treatment Cold Plunge Pack ($20 each)